Ya, I know. I haven't posted in like....ages.
Truth be told, life has gotten in the way. You know how it is.
So here's the readers Digest version of what our family has been up to over the last month.
1) Sourcing a babysitter. Man, I could write a novel on this process. Likely it would be classified as a horror. Good news is we've found a lovely lady that the boys love. Bad news: we almost hired a murderer. Long story. I'll elaborate another time.
2) Working. My work has been MENTAL. Enough said.
3) Quilting Class. My new hobby. LOVE IT! Will post pics of progress along the way. Don't laugh.
4) Fixing the fucking dryer. It's broken four times since we moved in. FOUR! And we've only lived in the house for four months.
5) Fighting with the people that live in the basement. Oh, I could be swayed to go off on a tangent here. But I will try to contain myself. All I will say is that our recent exchanges consist of them banging on the ceiling. A polite way of saying we are too loud. While eating dinner at 6pm (both kids firmly planted in their booster seats). Screw you!
So anyway....that's life.
I promise more frequent updates.