April 25, 2012


Nope, I am not too proud to admit that I eavesdrop on The Trolls.  Super Husband does, too.  It's really become an evening ritual after the kids are in bed and we have relative quiet on our side.

Typically, at about 10pm Mr. Troll gets on the phone and has a series of conversations.  Sometimes we can hear everything clearly and others not so much.  Last night, he was quite agitated and therefore very easy to listen in on.

The (one-sided) conversation progressed something like this:

"I've got to get out of this effing place"

"Ya...those idiots upstairs have the furnace blasting day and night and expect me to pay the gas bill"

"The landlord told me I owe $200 in water and all I ever do is wash a frying pan or two and take a five minute shower"

"I have a bacterial infection on my tongue and have lost a patch of my taste buds" (ummm....WTF)?

So....from this conversation I cannot tell if he's secured a place for May or not.  I'm guessing not.  Clearly I have to do some more listening in to see if I can get some better dirt.

April 24, 2012


I have a few updates, all on differing topics and I simply cannot be bothered to do separate neat and tidy posts....so instead I will give what I refer to as the "mishmash" update.

Firstly, I am happy to report as of my last weigh-in, that I am now down 7.5 pounds.  Hooray for progress! 

Next up is an update on our financial situation.  After much (and I mean MUCH) debate....we decided to allocate almost all of my bonus to debt.  Yes, this is a good thing but just a teensy bit depressing all at the same time.  Part of me dies just a little knowing that the money is gone....and therefore cannot be allocated to getting a new and improved place to call home.  More on that next.  Anyway, we have now paid off our car and put a couple thousand on the Line of Credit.  We are so damn responsible these days!

Now, we all know all work and no play makes people nutters and do crazy things like attack random people.  I don't want that to be me.  And I'm heading in that direction.  So as a preemptive measure we have decided to book a little family fun for the summer.  We decided to take a week off and spend a couple of nights camping in Algonquin Park at Mew Lake and then head over to Niagara Falls to spend one night at Great Wolf Lodge and then another two nights at The Mariott (which is much more budget-friendly).  We are so, so looking forward to some family time away from our apartment!

Speaking of apartments....this brings me to everyone's favourite topic:  The Trolls.

Overall....not much to report.  Mr. Landlord called this morning to advise me he is now officially "Pissed Off".  Wow.  Took long enough.  I hit that stage about 7 months ago.  Either I am far too easily aggrivated or Mr. Landlord is far too easy going.  Maybe a bit of both.  In any case, it's about time he got pissed!  He called and spoke to The Trolls this morning and apparently even yelled!  Now that he is paying for their utilities he has some serious motivation to extract them from the premises.  To date Mr. landlord has:

1.  Given them a free month's rent (March) to help them come up with a deposit at a new place ($1,100)
2.  Covered their water bill ($186)
3.  Is now giving us the outstanding amount owed to us by The Trolls for Gas ($300)

Now, I know Mr. Landlord is doing all this to help grease the pathway to them leaving but part of me has to wonder:  Why the fuck would they leave when they have such a sweet deal going here?????  Like seriously.  They have everyone else covering their asses.  I am terrified they will never go.

Anyhow.  Mr. Landlord indicated they are seeing another place tonight at 6pm (ya, right).  He is supposed to call with an update right after.  I am banking my money on the fact it will not pan out.

And we are really getting close to the end of the month.

If this is a bust we are essentially stuck dealing with them for ANOTHER month.

Shoot me now.

April 16, 2012

Still Here

I realized it's been a couple of weeks since I've last been in here and even longer since I've updated on the Troll situation.

Mostly, I'm afraid, because there's no (good) updates to give.  Boooo!

Mr. Landlord called me about a week and a half ago to give the latest update.  He tried to call The Trolls but they were screening his calls.  So, being crafty, he decided to drive to the area and call from someone else's phone.  Bingo.  Troll answered on the first try.  So Mr. Landlord asked if he could "stop by" and Troll responded with "I'm heading out in 20 minutes" thinking that it would take Mr. Landlord longer than that.  Surprise!  He was just around the corner :)

So he paid them a visit and managed to collect some rent money from them.  He also demanded some payment for the gas bills that are in OUR name that we have paid in full every month and have not received reimbursement for (they owe 40% of the bill each month).  They haven't paid in MONTHS and now owe us > $300 in back payments.  Sigh.  The Troll coughed up $100 and claimed that the rest would be paid Easter weekend.  Well guess what?  That was 1.5 weeks ago and still NO MONEY has come our way.  I sent a not so happy email to Mr. Landlord this morning indicating that I want him to take over the Gas Bills and I'm tired of footing the bill for the squatters.  We will see how that goes over.....

On the positive side Mr. Landlord reported back that when he showed up at The Trolls they had a pile of boxes there and looked ready to pack up.  That's an exciting development in the saga.  He also promised (ya, right) to be out by the end of April.

I'll believe it when I see it.

April 4, 2012

Holy Crap

I don't often associate the word crap with yummy food but for this, I will make an exception.

A work friend recommended a cereal that is Canadian made called Holy Crap.  It's hard to come by but went to my favourite natural food store - Ambrosia and found it there.  Now this stuff does not come cheap but you only eat a small portion - 2 tablespoons per serving.    I've been eating it with 1/3rd of a cup unsweetened soy milk.  You mix them up and let sit for 5 or so minutes before eating and it's surprisingly filling.

Best of all it's so healthy!  And, as the same suggests, has lots of fiber!

So far I have been unable to get Super Husband to try it but that's okay....I get the whole bag to myself now.

April 2, 2012

Poll Results AND Weigh in #2

Well first off it's no big announcement that I have here.

The Trolls are still firmly planted in their lair downstairs.  Assholes!

Mr. Landlord just called me to let me know that he checked in with them (remember...they are no longer paying rent so he is pretty invested in Operation Trollectomy).  Apparently they are looking "very hard" for anew place.  But why?  Again, they are curreently living RENT FREE.  I can see this dragging on for MONTHS.

Anyway, he's promised to keep me posted.

In other news, I had Weigh-In #2 on Sunday.  Down 1.5 pounds making it a total of 4.

Not bad because although I was really good all week, Saturday I had a bit of a relapse what with the bottle of wine and slab of chocolate mousse cake and all.

I'm feeling good - my clothes are starting to feel better again so that's reward enough to keep me going right now.