September 13, 2011

How Did THAT Happen?

I can hardly believe it. I have been a mom for 3 whole years now (longer if you also count incubation time)! Yup, Buddy turned 3 on September 11th. My baby is a self-proclaimed "big boy". Part of me is super happy to be leaving the stage of constant need and, let's be honest, Super Husband and I have really been glorified slaves in a way for the last 3 years. We still are, of course, but it is slowly shifting and so very cool to see our little men grow.

Anyway, enough of that.

We had an awesome weekend. The weather actually cooperated (for once) and we were able to host Buddy's Birthday Party at Centre Island, as planned! The site was perfect and great fun was had by all. With the exception of getting there which was a major ordeal and ultimately almost culminated in Super Husband and I divorcing each other. That would have been a real downer so luckily we got ourselves pulled together and got ourselves and food for 25 guests transported to the island in the nick of time!

Sunday, Buddy's actual birthday, was spent at the Zoo.  Our daycare was hosting an event there so we got tickets that included a catered lunch for the daycare customers.  The event was fun....with the exception of the entertainment.  They had hired a performer to sing to the kids at lunch time and we snagged perfect seats - front and center on the grass by the microphone.  This was going to be great!  The kids would be amused and hopefully mesmirized into a state of lethargy so Super Husband and I could have a breater and maybe, maybe even get to eat our lunch!

Or not.

The performer started.  At first the boys were excited and even jumped to their feet to dance.  And then they realized she was bad.  Like REALLY bad.  Pitchy, preachy and not entertaining.  Just annoying.  It was at this point that Buddy proclaimed that he "hates the dumb music".  We tried to ignore his comments.  Another little boy started throwing rocks and other debris at the entertainer.....then Buddy lost it.  He started to scream and cry.  Super Husband looked at me and stated the obvious:  "well she is pretty bad".  So we relocated.  Buddy was transformed into a calm and happy guy again.  And while we did not have a relaxing lunch - at least we ate!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Buddy!

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