December 20, 2011

The Non-Update Update

Well so far I have nothing to report on the Troll situation.

Sunday we went out for the afternoon (to brave shopping the last weekend prior to Christmas) and came home to the place smelling once again like an ashtray.  In yet another fit of anger I promptly called the Landlord.  I demanded an update on the situation.  The update is no update.  He promised that he would be doing a face to face visit with Mr. Troll himself Tuesday.  That would be today.  He is supposed to get back to me afterwards.

So....what will this visit achieve?  That's the question we are asking ourselves.  I preume nothing.  My intuition tells me that I will get a follow up call at some point to say that the Trolls claim they are not smoking anything in the apartment and to give them another chance.  Essentially that's what has been happening every time we complain.

At this point, Super Husband and I will make a decision.  Do we stick it out or do we go back to the Landlord and ask him to allow us to "break" our lease out of compassion? 

The bottom line is something needs to change because the current situation is not working.  We are not willing to subject our children to this health risk and's making us crazy.  Being at home is a constant stressor.  I feel so much better when I leave and can literally feel my blood pressure skyrocket when I get back.

Fingers crossed that a freaking Christmas Miracle happens today!

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