March 12, 2012


I'm cautiously optimistic today.  I know I will not be holding my breath but I think that we are finally moving in the right direction on the Toll Front.

Mr. Landlord called to ask if he could stop in for a visit last week.  Admittedly, I was a little worried at first.  I thought:  Oh Damn....he's going to evict US now because he's so damn tired of my phone calls.  Now I know that doesn't make logical sense but I am a woman and a mom and I worry about things that I shouldn't whatever.

So he came over Friday evening.   Here's the skinny.

The Trolls have refused to sign the "N-11" form declaring that they will be voluntarily out of the house on a specified date.  Now there's a shocker.

Mr. Landlord have asked them to be out by the end of their lease (April).  As incentive he's giving them March (this month) to them use as a deposit for a new place.

After chatting for awhile I figured it was perfect timing to ask for a couple of things :) 

1)  Central Air
2) A dishwasher

Neither of which I can survive without for much longer.  We nearly died last summer during the heat wave.  It was BRUTAL.  I actually slept for a whole week with ICE PACKS.  I'm not joking.  As for the dishwasher?  I'm sick of washing dishes.  All.The.Time.  I'm not a princess....I just don't have time to waste on crap like that.

To my surprise - he actually AGREED!

So he's investigating options now and will get back to us.

Super Husband thinks I'm a crazy lady for asking but my opinion is that it's better to ask and get a no than not ask and wonder if you could have gotten a yes.

Really hoping Dirt Bag Trolls move out for April.........

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