May 25, 2012

I'm Still Here!

My oh my....I've been a naughty and negligent blogger, haven't I?

It hasn't been intentional.  Things have been in a pretty constant state of fast forward recently and I haven't been able to stop and take a breath.

So...what's been going on?

Well, as I posted last we have secured a new living space (hooray)! and we are trying to get prepared for that transition.  Most of you might think that we have been busy packing.  Sadly, no.  Packing has not happened.  At all.  Not one item.  Instead, it's all the logistical and behind the scenes stuff we have been focusing on.  Booking a mover to get the stuff out of our friend's basement, address changes, disconnects and reconnects.....and of course the juggling of child care.  At this point we are still investigating options for Little Man but we are registering Buddy in his new school next week and my fingers are crossed REALLY tightly that he gets a spot in both the before and after school program that is run in his school.  Getting in there would be super awesome.  There would be no transportation off the school site and it even offers coverage on PA Days, summer, winter break, March Break.....for a really good price.  I should find out by next week on that front.

Work is mental busy.  I cannot even start on that topic or I might spiral into a 40,000 page synopsis of all that is going on and nobody needs that.

Last week I spent the week in LA at a conference.  It was a ton of fun and a nice break from all that is my regular life.  I was very happy to return home as I missed my boys terribly, but being away makes you appreciate them even more, right? :)

Not much to report Troll-wise.  They are (obviously) still living in the basement.  No surprise there.  We got another Gas bill (that The Trolls owe 40% of).  Super Husband cornered Mr. Troll last weekend and told him he needs to pay up and followed up with, "paying one bill in five months isn't too much to ask, is it"?  The Troll's reply?  "Talk to your landlord".  WTF does that mean?  Whatever.  I have decided that I'm taking all the money that we are owed and deducting it from our final month of rent.  Interestingly, I gave notice 3.5 weeks ago and have heard NOTHING from the landlord since.  No response, no viewings....nothing.  I know he got the message because he told the neighbor next door we were leaving, but the whole thing is a bit bizarre.

Anyway....that's the quick and dirty.

One more week and we will have the keys to the new pad!!!

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