There are certain things in life that make you feel good from the inside out.
Kittens and puppies are a good example of this. So are sleeping babies. So lovely!
A close third = Revenge.
Not nasty malicious revenge....but the cool kind. The kind of revenge you might get in an unexpected and unplanned way.
Let me elaborate.
We all know the drama of The Trolls. Paired with that is the drama of Mr. Landlord. Well, it's no secret that Super Husband and I are not happy with Mr. Landlord and his recent actions (or lack thereof) and we warned him that we would not hide our experiences from others.
Perhaps this is why he is working with his real estate agent to go behind our back to show the apartment.
Two weeks ago the real estate agent called and left a message at the apartment to ask when would be a good time to show the place to prospective tenants. I replied with an email as we were in the midst of moving, indicating that as long as we were contacted in advance it was okay and to please communicate via email.
Last week I went into the apartment to pick up a few things and lo and behold there's a message. From the agent. Indicating that she had to do a last minute showing. She did not contact me via email as requested and did not give proper advance notice. I was not a happy camper. I replied with an email and copied Mr. landlord indicating she had best be contacting me in advance and by email from here on in.
Fast forward to today.
Super Husband decided that he would go to the apartment today to finish cleaning before we hand over the keys on Thursday. So there his is, cleaning away when suddenly the door swings open and guess who is there? You guessed it - Miss. Real Estate! Complete with a family to view the place!
Now I'm sure you can just imagine how impressed Super Husband was at this point. NO call, NO warning. Just a mid day viewing while it is assumed we are at work.
So....being a good citizen...Super Husband did what he needed to do. He exlained to the family (a couple and young daughter) that there is a less than desireable housemate residing in the basement. Including smoking, late night partying and, of course, drug busts.
I think it's fair to say that the unit has not yet been rented.
Super Husband is my hero.
And I'm sure the family will thank him for the pain and suffering that has been avoided as a result.
...the journey of how our testosterone-laden family downsized in order to upsize happiness...and other entertaining stories...
June 26, 2012
June 20, 2012
Well here I am on the other side of the great move of 2012....and boy am I tired.
In case you were wondering...moving SUCKS. Moving with two young children SUCKS IMMENSELY. In all honesty they did great. They are total troopers. Maybe it's just that Super Husband and I are extra worn out and grumpy but I don't wanna unpack anything else. I am tired of finding a new and inventive place for all the crap we don't use/need/require. My "Donate" pile is becomming more of a mountain which then makes me anxious because in fact it is just another pile of stuff to move again...YIKES! Make it stop!
The reality is that the new house is great and as soon as we finish settling in, finally get cable, internet and phone hooked up and start falling into a new working routine it will be awesome. Until then....we are a bit on the grumpy side.
Oh....and we will all breathe a sigh of relief when we officially hand in the keys from the old place. Unfortunately it still needs to be cleaned and some straggling items moved out first. GAH!
In the meantime I am quite thrilled that we decided to move last weekend. This week is scorching and without air conditioning it would have been a real beast of a week in the old place. Hooray for climate control!
In case you were wondering...moving SUCKS. Moving with two young children SUCKS IMMENSELY. In all honesty they did great. They are total troopers. Maybe it's just that Super Husband and I are extra worn out and grumpy but I don't wanna unpack anything else. I am tired of finding a new and inventive place for all the crap we don't use/need/require. My "Donate" pile is becomming more of a mountain which then makes me anxious because in fact it is just another pile of stuff to move again...YIKES! Make it stop!
The reality is that the new house is great and as soon as we finish settling in, finally get cable, internet and phone hooked up and start falling into a new working routine it will be awesome. Until then....we are a bit on the grumpy side.
Oh....and we will all breathe a sigh of relief when we officially hand in the keys from the old place. Unfortunately it still needs to be cleaned and some straggling items moved out first. GAH!
In the meantime I am quite thrilled that we decided to move last weekend. This week is scorching and without air conditioning it would have been a real beast of a week in the old place. Hooray for climate control!
June 15, 2012
It's Moving Weekend
Yes, it's that time again. Time to uproot our family and replant then in another place to live. Of course, we are all very excited about this particular move but's draining, stressful and we are dealing with the fallout from the kidlets.
Last night Little Man decided to pee on the floor.
He NEVER does stuff like that. I know he did it to get extra attention and because he's a bit out of sorts but that didn't make us any less frustrated. In my head I was like...Really? REALLY? I guess I just didn't look like I had enough to do or something. *SIGH* Oh, and what did Little Man also decide to do last night while I was distracted taping a box? Put 5 Yes, 5) marbles in his mouth and walk around that way. I didn't see him put them in his mouth but did see him walk by looking like he was a chipmunk. I stopped in my tracks.
Me: Little Man....what is in your mouth?
Little Man: (stares at me)
Me: (cupping hand under chin) Spit it out
Little Man: (spits marbles into my hand)
I will not repeat any comments that I may or may not have made at that point.
So tonight we need to finish packing the small, useless crap that is hiding in every cupboard, closet and drawer (I'm convinced this stuff breeds) and tomorrow we pack up the U-Haul and ride off into the sunset. Well, not really because we plan to drive off long before sunset time in June but you know what I mean.
We will, sadly, need to come back again to clean, etc. But as of tomorrow we will be sleeping at the new house.
We will all shed a tear or two.
Yes, I'm joking.
Last night Little Man decided to pee on the floor.
He NEVER does stuff like that. I know he did it to get extra attention and because he's a bit out of sorts but that didn't make us any less frustrated. In my head I was like...Really? REALLY? I guess I just didn't look like I had enough to do or something. *SIGH* Oh, and what did Little Man also decide to do last night while I was distracted taping a box? Put 5 Yes, 5) marbles in his mouth and walk around that way. I didn't see him put them in his mouth but did see him walk by looking like he was a chipmunk. I stopped in my tracks.
Me: Little Man....what is in your mouth?
Little Man: (stares at me)
Me: (cupping hand under chin) Spit it out
Little Man: (spits marbles into my hand)
I will not repeat any comments that I may or may not have made at that point.
So tonight we need to finish packing the small, useless crap that is hiding in every cupboard, closet and drawer (I'm convinced this stuff breeds) and tomorrow we pack up the U-Haul and ride off into the sunset. Well, not really because we plan to drive off long before sunset time in June but you know what I mean.
We will, sadly, need to come back again to clean, etc. But as of tomorrow we will be sleeping at the new house.
We will all shed a tear or two.
Yes, I'm joking.
June 12, 2012
Just an Update
Well I am very happy to report that operation storage move went very well last Saturday! I was ready to have some challenges with the movers (see previous post) but in the end they were amazing and efficient! PHEW!
Now we just need to move the rest of our stuff in this weekend and we can officially say bye to the crappy, Troll-infested, hot-as-hell apartment.
I've rented a truck for this Saturday and we are recruiting a friend to help us move some of the heavy stuff so I *think* we are all set!
We are very excited to close this chapter and start a new one. Wish us luck...and that the two little monsters are cooperative so that we can actually get the move accomplished :)
Now we just need to move the rest of our stuff in this weekend and we can officially say bye to the crappy, Troll-infested, hot-as-hell apartment.
I've rented a truck for this Saturday and we are recruiting a friend to help us move some of the heavy stuff so I *think* we are all set!
We are very excited to close this chapter and start a new one. Wish us luck...and that the two little monsters are cooperative so that we can actually get the move accomplished :)
June 8, 2012
Make it Happen
About six weeks ago, I made an appointment for a professional mover to come over to our friends' house to assess all the stuff we have stored in their basement and give us a quote to move it to our new place. The mover was recommended by the friend who is actually storing our stuff so we pretty much knew we would just accept the quote because we wanted our friends to be comfortable with the movers traipsing through their place.
Anyway, so we get over there before the mover and start visiting and enjoy a couple of glasses of wine. Probably should have waited until AFTER the quote but hey, shit happens.
So this guy comes over and we take him down to assess our mountain of stuff. Now, I should clarify that the mountain was created by the movers (also professional) that moved it there. It doesn't look pretty, but it works and is contained. Well Mr. Mover is unimpressed, apparently, because he frowns and starts muttering about too many "loose" items. Huh? The only loose items visible are some pictures (wrapped in newsprint individually) and some foam floor pads that we kept loose in case we needed to use for cushioning.
He then proceeds to tell me it's a "two truck" job.
Well that's funny....because it only took one truck to move it there and since the move we've taken some stuff out so there's less than when it was moved initially. When I blurted that info out he looked at me like I might be lying. Thankfully my friend confirmed it was indeed one truck. He then went on about how he cannot guarantee it will fit (blah, blah, blah). I shut him down by advising we would be bringing our trailer for overflow.
Nothing is easy.
So tomorrow is the big day. We need to get ourselves packed up and over to Whitby for 8:30am. My fingers crossed that nothing gets broken and that it all fits. Not that I'll gloat or anything.
I am thrilled that we will finally have all our stuff back in one place....though I know it will once again highlight our need for a massive purge.
At the end of the day....I just want it DONE!
Anyway, so we get over there before the mover and start visiting and enjoy a couple of glasses of wine. Probably should have waited until AFTER the quote but hey, shit happens.
So this guy comes over and we take him down to assess our mountain of stuff. Now, I should clarify that the mountain was created by the movers (also professional) that moved it there. It doesn't look pretty, but it works and is contained. Well Mr. Mover is unimpressed, apparently, because he frowns and starts muttering about too many "loose" items. Huh? The only loose items visible are some pictures (wrapped in newsprint individually) and some foam floor pads that we kept loose in case we needed to use for cushioning.
He then proceeds to tell me it's a "two truck" job.
Well that's funny....because it only took one truck to move it there and since the move we've taken some stuff out so there's less than when it was moved initially. When I blurted that info out he looked at me like I might be lying. Thankfully my friend confirmed it was indeed one truck. He then went on about how he cannot guarantee it will fit (blah, blah, blah). I shut him down by advising we would be bringing our trailer for overflow.
Nothing is easy.
So tomorrow is the big day. We need to get ourselves packed up and over to Whitby for 8:30am. My fingers crossed that nothing gets broken and that it all fits. Not that I'll gloat or anything.
I am thrilled that we will finally have all our stuff back in one place....though I know it will once again highlight our need for a massive purge.
At the end of the day....I just want it DONE!
June 4, 2012
You Have GOT to be Kidding
Before I start on my rant, I should highlight the positives from this past weekend. We managed to cart three full trailer loads of stuff to the new house plus transport our beast of a treadmill from our friends house to the basement of the new house. That situation was touch and go, let me tell you. There was a time it was suggested that it wouldn't fit down the stairs....that just wasn't going to fly. I NEEDED my treadmill in the basement. I have to rekindle my love affair! So, alas, we managed to get that thing down the stairs. It took two grown men plus myself heaving with all our might.
Anyway, we are still thrilled with our decision to move and are very happy with the new house. Thank goodness for that.
In other updates, Mr. Landlord popped by last night to pick up his rent cheque. I asked him point blank what was going on with the Troll situation. His reply?
Wait for it....
Here it comes.....
"Well, since you are leaving I told him he could stay".
What the fuck?
Like seriously. This loser never pays his rent on time, refuses to pay us for his share of utilities, smokes in the house, has drug busts and police showing up with guns drawn.....and you feel it makes sense to let him stay?????
I LOST it. I know it really doesn't matter and it really accomplishes nothing in the grand scheme of things but I really felt the need to air the dirty laundry. In all honesty I cannot even recall all of what was said because I was hopping mad but I spoke my mind. I told him that I was disgusted and that he treated us unfairly by constantly telling us what we wanted to hear (that he was "getting rid" of The Trolls) when in fact he really didn't care. He argued that wasn't the fact and that he was undergoing true legal action conveniently enough the day before I emailed our notice. Ummmm....ya, right. Of course that was the timing after all these months. Do I look like an idiot? I guess I must.
Super Husband got so pissed off that he actually un paused the soccer game he had been watching and turned his back on Mr. Landlord. I nearly broke out laughing at that point. At the end, Super Husband turned and added to the conversation, "Well, you know, as long as you find new chain smoking, drug dealing partiers for tenants everything should work out just fine". I love my husband. He's super awesome.
In the end, Mr. Landlord was clearly distraught over the exchange, looked me in the eye and said, "Please don't be mad". I looked him square back and replied, "Oh, I'm angry all right. Nothing is going to change that. I have nothing left to say".
And that was it.
Does his decision really matter? No. Does it impact us moving forward? No. So that's all that matters in the end. What Super Husband and I are upset about is that this louse gets to continue loafing through life getting everything handing to him on a silver platter. He always comes up smelling like roses. And I HATE that people like that get away with it while good, honest, hardworking people like us get screwed.
I guess I'll step off my soapbox now.
It's a new day.
Anyway, we are still thrilled with our decision to move and are very happy with the new house. Thank goodness for that.
In other updates, Mr. Landlord popped by last night to pick up his rent cheque. I asked him point blank what was going on with the Troll situation. His reply?
Wait for it....
Here it comes.....
"Well, since you are leaving I told him he could stay".
What the fuck?
Like seriously. This loser never pays his rent on time, refuses to pay us for his share of utilities, smokes in the house, has drug busts and police showing up with guns drawn.....and you feel it makes sense to let him stay?????
I LOST it. I know it really doesn't matter and it really accomplishes nothing in the grand scheme of things but I really felt the need to air the dirty laundry. In all honesty I cannot even recall all of what was said because I was hopping mad but I spoke my mind. I told him that I was disgusted and that he treated us unfairly by constantly telling us what we wanted to hear (that he was "getting rid" of The Trolls) when in fact he really didn't care. He argued that wasn't the fact and that he was undergoing true legal action conveniently enough the day before I emailed our notice. Ummmm....ya, right. Of course that was the timing after all these months. Do I look like an idiot? I guess I must.
Super Husband got so pissed off that he actually un paused the soccer game he had been watching and turned his back on Mr. Landlord. I nearly broke out laughing at that point. At the end, Super Husband turned and added to the conversation, "Well, you know, as long as you find new chain smoking, drug dealing partiers for tenants everything should work out just fine". I love my husband. He's super awesome.
In the end, Mr. Landlord was clearly distraught over the exchange, looked me in the eye and said, "Please don't be mad". I looked him square back and replied, "Oh, I'm angry all right. Nothing is going to change that. I have nothing left to say".
And that was it.
Does his decision really matter? No. Does it impact us moving forward? No. So that's all that matters in the end. What Super Husband and I are upset about is that this louse gets to continue loafing through life getting everything handing to him on a silver platter. He always comes up smelling like roses. And I HATE that people like that get away with it while good, honest, hardworking people like us get screwed.
I guess I'll step off my soapbox now.
It's a new day.
June 1, 2012
I'm Just a Spaz!
Two posts in one day?!?! I've regained my blogger mojo!
So what has prompted my second post today?
I called and spoke to Mr. Landlord. All is well. He will come by for the rent cheque Sunday and is fine with my proposal to deduct gas money from the total. Hooray for that.
I'm such a dolt that I've completely forgotten to give any updates on my Weight Watcher challenge. As of right now, I have lost 11 pounds! And I feel really great! I've even purchased a few new items of clothing and started wearing things that had been lurking in the back of my closet, untouched for waaaaay too long! I'm very happy at this weight but it would be super awesome if I dropped another 4 or 5 pounds. Possibly after the move and when I have rekindled my love affair with my treadmill?

We will see :)
At any rate, despite the crappy weather outside (torrential rain, apparently) I am feeling really positive and ready to tackle the world.
So what has prompted my second post today?
I called and spoke to Mr. Landlord. All is well. He will come by for the rent cheque Sunday and is fine with my proposal to deduct gas money from the total. Hooray for that.
I'm such a dolt that I've completely forgotten to give any updates on my Weight Watcher challenge. As of right now, I have lost 11 pounds! And I feel really great! I've even purchased a few new items of clothing and started wearing things that had been lurking in the back of my closet, untouched for waaaaay too long! I'm very happy at this weight but it would be super awesome if I dropped another 4 or 5 pounds. Possibly after the move and when I have rekindled my love affair with my treadmill?

We will see :)
At any rate, despite the crappy weather outside (torrential rain, apparently) I am feeling really positive and ready to tackle the world.
How Worried Should I be.....
...That I STILL have not heard ANYTHING from Mr. Landlord? It's been a full month since I sent off our notice. At first I worried he didn't "get" the email. But he did because he told the man next door we are leaving.
I followed up earlier this week with another email explaining we need to connect because we haven't provided rent for this month. When we signed the lease we provided 12 cheques for the year and they ended in May. Granted, he already has our "security deposit" which is equal to a month of rent, but we are not supposed to see that money until we move out and he confirms we haven't trashed the joint (ha)!
I'm totally confused.
1. Why is he not all over the rent thing?
2. Why hasn't he been interested in showing the house to new potential tenants?
I'm convinced more is going on here than meets the eye.
I think I will call him later and see if he picks up.....
Anyway, on a lighter note we picked up the keys last night to the new house! In addition, we attended a kindergarten orientation at Buddy's new school. We are very happy with the school, the staff, the new house and we are so happy that everything has come together this way.
This weekend will be a busy one. We plan to do 3-4 trailer loads of stuff from old to new house. Luckily the new house was professionally cleaned so we don't have to lift a finger in that regard and just focus on moving :)
Happy Friday!!!
ETA: On a sidenote - it is clear that both Super Husband and I are really paranoid about The Trolls. This was highlighted this morning when Super Husband left for work and then 2 minutes later reappeared at the door. When I asked what was wrong he requested I come out to the car and tell him if I thought it "smelled like smoke". He was convinced that The Trolls broke into the car and left their stank behind. He then proceeded to obsess that his seat wasn't in the correct position and had been tampered with. In the end, I confirmed I smelled no smoke. Only coffee thanks to the Big Gulp sized mug of it he had crammed into the console. Satisfied, he went on his way.
I followed up earlier this week with another email explaining we need to connect because we haven't provided rent for this month. When we signed the lease we provided 12 cheques for the year and they ended in May. Granted, he already has our "security deposit" which is equal to a month of rent, but we are not supposed to see that money until we move out and he confirms we haven't trashed the joint (ha)!
I'm totally confused.
1. Why is he not all over the rent thing?
2. Why hasn't he been interested in showing the house to new potential tenants?
I'm convinced more is going on here than meets the eye.
I think I will call him later and see if he picks up.....
Anyway, on a lighter note we picked up the keys last night to the new house! In addition, we attended a kindergarten orientation at Buddy's new school. We are very happy with the school, the staff, the new house and we are so happy that everything has come together this way.
This weekend will be a busy one. We plan to do 3-4 trailer loads of stuff from old to new house. Luckily the new house was professionally cleaned so we don't have to lift a finger in that regard and just focus on moving :)
Happy Friday!!!
ETA: On a sidenote - it is clear that both Super Husband and I are really paranoid about The Trolls. This was highlighted this morning when Super Husband left for work and then 2 minutes later reappeared at the door. When I asked what was wrong he requested I come out to the car and tell him if I thought it "smelled like smoke". He was convinced that The Trolls broke into the car and left their stank behind. He then proceeded to obsess that his seat wasn't in the correct position and had been tampered with. In the end, I confirmed I smelled no smoke. Only coffee thanks to the Big Gulp sized mug of it he had crammed into the console. Satisfied, he went on his way.
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