June 15, 2012

It's Moving Weekend

Yes, it's that time again.  Time to uproot our family and replant then in another place to live.  Of course, we are all very excited about this particular move but nonetheless....it's draining, stressful and we are dealing with the fallout from the kidlets.

Last night Little Man decided to pee on the floor.

He NEVER does stuff like that.  I know he did it to get extra attention and because he's a bit out of sorts but that didn't make us any less frustrated.  In my head I was like...Really?  REALLY?  I guess I just didn't look like I had enough to do or something.  *SIGH*  Oh, and what did Little Man also decide to do last night while I was distracted taping a box?  Put 5 Yes, 5) marbles in his mouth and walk around that way.  I didn't see him put them in his mouth but did see him walk by looking like he was a chipmunk.  I stopped in my tracks. 

Me:  Little Man....what is in your mouth? 
Little Man:  (stares at me)
Me:  (cupping hand under chin)  Spit it out
Little Man:  (spits marbles into my hand)

I will not repeat any comments that I may or may not have made at that point.

So tonight we need to finish packing the small, useless crap that is hiding in every cupboard, closet and drawer (I'm convinced this stuff breeds) and tomorrow we pack up the U-Haul and ride off into the sunset.  Well, not really because we plan to drive off long before sunset time in June but you know what I mean.

We will, sadly, need to come back again to clean, etc.  But as of tomorrow we will be sleeping at the new house.

We will all shed a tear or two.

Yes, I'm joking.


  1. YAY!!! So excited for you guys to move on to bigger and better things! Good luck today and the next couple of days as you get unpacked and organized :)

  2. Thanks Krista! It's a SLLLLLLOW process unpacking and organizing with kidlets underfoot and jobs getting in the way but we like a challenge so it's all good!
