June 7, 2013

Identity Crisis

Well I can hardly contain my excitement now that we are finally moving towards summer!  Now, if only the weather would cooperate.  Anyhow, with the onset of (quazi) summer comes outdoor soccer season.  This is the first year we have both boys enrolled.  Buddy is in the U5 division and Little Man un the U4.  This means being committed to spending Monday AND Thursday evenings on the soccer field.  Rain or shine.

Now, I know that organizing hunderds of children and their overbearing parents must be a really, really painful task.  This is exactly the reason why I do not offer my services for these things (sad but true).  BUT......you knew there would be a BUT in here......what the hell is the issue with people?  We signed up the kids months ago.  Like in February.  And waited for eons before finally getting some communication in the form of a very convoluted email message.  Despite the fact that we had signed up for Mondays and Wednesdays we were expected to join the "opening weekend" festivities which, conveniently, coincided with Super Husband's Grandmothers 90th birthday celebration.  Hmmmppph.  Needless to say we could not make it.  This meant we forefeited meeting the coach and team lead as well as getting their uniforms in advance. 

So here we find ourselves Monday night rushing to the field for Buddy's first game.  This was after reading the details no less than THREE times with BOTH myself and Super Husband trying to figure out who they were playing against and what the format was.   Apparently it really didn't matter after all because we ended up on the opposite side of the field that it indicated on the map but hey....that's okay.  So we arrive 10 minutes early all set to go because we wanted to be able to meet the team lead and of course get his uniform all squared away, however, when we get there we are advised that the uniforms are with the team lead and ours has yet to show up.  It became clear as time went on that the team lead had no intentions of showing up so while the other kids ran around in their red and purple uniforms, Buddy sported his street clothing.  I felt so bad for him but in all honesty he didn't mind and had fun.  Once the game ended, I marched over to the coordinators and the conversation went something like this:

Me:  Hello.  Excuse me.  My son is on the Red Team and.....
Girl:  [interrupting] Oh.  Yes.  The RED Team.  We are having issues with that.
Me:  Apparently
Girl:  Sorry.  We have been trying to get in touch with that person.  We will figure something out for next week.
Me:  Ummmmm....okay.

So that was that.

Next up:  Thursday night with Little Man.

This was even more fun.  Showed up in pouring rain.  Confirmed that surprise upon surprise his team lead decided not to come.  Fantastic.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  You sign up to be a parent volunteer as a team lead and then pick and choose when it is convenient to you????  Not cool!  Did any of us enjoy the cold or wet?  Nope.  But we dragged our butts there anyway for the kids.  And I didn't have anyone else's kids depending on me!! 


The talk of the evening was that one of the two other kids that actually showed up from Little Man's team has the same name as Buddy.  Which is unusual as it is not a common name.  The mom asked me what Buddy's middle name is and guess what....same also.  I felt like they had violated us in some mysterious way.  For the record, Buddy is a full year older than their son.  So he's the original :)  The funny thing is though.....as bad as I feel admitting this.....the kid was super annoying.  More specifically the parents were super annoying.  We are now going to have to work hard for the rest of the season to avoid the Buddy #2 (or Buddy Imposter as we like to refer to him).

Hopefully next week we will actually make some headway on uniforms.

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