Before falling asleep last night, I was laying in bed and it occured to me that I haven't posted an update in awhile. My last thoughts before falling asleep were that I would need to think of something to say that wouldn't be too boring.
Well wouldn't you know it. Be careful what you wish for....I was awaken at 2:45am to frantic pounding on the door. Not OUR door, but rather the door to The Trolls' apartment downstairs which is at the back of the house along with our bedroom and Little Man's Bedroom. So I woke up and listened to the thumping for a bit and figured it must be Mr. Troll coming home from his night shift and found himself locked out. Seems like a logical explanation. Except it.didn't.stop. After listining to the incessant pounding for 20 minutes or so it suddenly got even more frantic. As in no longer knocking but full on kicking. It was at this point that Super Husband was finally roused. He jumped up and started to investigate. Exhausted, I put my ear plugs back in (yes, I loooooove my ear plugs) and settled in to try to go back to sleep.
Within 10 minutes of my feeble sleep attempt, Super Husband was in my face trying to tell me something. After ripping out my ear plugs I realized what he was saying: The police are here.
What the fuck?
So now I'm shaking with I don't know what. Fear? Anger? Combination of both?
We peer out the window to see our house is surrounded. Two cop cars at the side of the house (where the Troll's live) and one blocking our driveway at the front. Cops were everywhere. Super Husband told me that he was watching before they arrived and it looked like it was the Troll Daughter's hoodlum boyfriend that we often see skulking around. He was pounding on the door and then walking through the back yard, through the gate and then pounding on the Troll Daughter's window. Stalk Much?
So now there's like 5 cops milling around with flashlights peering in our windows and going up and down our driveway seeming like they were looking for something. I wanted to go out and demand an explanation but frankly don't want to be involved so we stayed inside.
The cops were STILL there questioning and investigating when we fell back asleep at 4:30am.
We are now thinking there's drug involvement but have no way of knowing.
So all this happens and of course these idiots were told to move out by our landlord before Christmas which they have shown no inclination of doing. We are done with this. I know.....I've said this before but we're REALLY done.
I'm calling our Landlord this morning to fill him in on the adventures and telling him he needs to let us out of the lease and refund February's Rent. We are outties.
So, so tired.
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