January 20, 2012

3 Day Potty Training: 3 Weeks Later

Well our 3 day potty training marathon began just over three weeks ago and I thought I would post an update.

I think that once again I have blacked out a good portion of the event form my mind.  I have diagnosed myself as suffering from 3 Day Potty Training Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (3DPTPTSD).  I am so, so thankful that I never have to endure this again.

Now, on to the goodness and rainbows!

Admittedly, I was really, REALLY skeptical about the success of this method on Little Man.  Thankfully we had already been through this with Buddy and thankfully it was a resounding success.  If we didn't have that experience to reflect upon I think we may just have thrown in the towel and claim "it didn't work".  So glad we persevered!

It really did take more than the three days with Little Man.  I think he was gaining good awareness of the sensation of needing to pee and exhibit control by day two or three.  We could see that.  Poo, on the other hand?  Not so much.  Time and time again he pooped in his underwear.  Now, he did know he was going as he would usually launch into stealth mode and try to slink away/hide but he really didn't give a crap (no pun intended) that he did it in his underwear. 

After six days of following the 3 day potty training method I was pretty much hanging onto sanity by a thread.   Gouging my eyes out with a plastic spoon was sounding more appealing than cleaning more underwear or reminding Little Man to tell me if he needs to go pee. 

Day seven posed a new challenge:  DAYCARE.  Yikes.  Now, I had given advance education to his teachers and the Director that we would need their support and they agreed.  So we showed up with lots of underwear, clothes and the magic motivator:  Jelly Belly Jelly Beans.  Just before lunch I emailed to find out how Little Man was making out.  Not good.  He was dry and clean but he refused to even enter the bathroom with anyone.  The mere mention of the potty resulting in screaming and crying.

Huh.  This is new.

I told them to try tempting with the Beans.

No dice.

So I left a meeting to run down and take him to the bathroom.  Guess what?  He peed! 

Later in the day I came down again.  Guess what?  He peed! 

Then he pooped in his underwear.  Whatever. 

The next day was much better:  He was actually peeing for his teachers!  Without drama!  Still pooped in his underwear but hey....it was progress :)

Then, out of the blue, it "clicked".

Towards the end of last week he started coming home in the same clothes and underwear we sent him in.  Every day. His teachers are thrilled with his progress (I think he's the only toddler in his room that is fully trained).  He is now a pooping superstar!!!

We are so proud!

He is still waking up wet (but not soaking wet...more like he woke up having an accident in the morning wet) about half the time.  I suspect this will regulate itself in the next few weeks.

We put in A LOT of time and effort into this but now we are so happy to say we are diaper free.  Forever!

The 3 day Method is HARD.  Harder than Hard.  But if you stick it out it is well worth the effort.

Good luck for any of you embarking on this journey. 

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