November 22, 2012

Oh Poo!

While I was tidying up the other night...don't ask which night as I can not seem to distinguish one from another...but that's another story.  Anyway, while tidying, Super Husband and the boys went to the basement (perhaps to check on the dead man - see previous post if that makes no sense) and were playing.  All of a sudden all I hear is:

Super Husband:  Oh My God!  Little Man!  Why do you have poo in your hand?
Little Man:  I don't know
Super Husband:  Where did it come from? 
Little Man:  I don't know
Super Husband:  (really worked up and almost panicked)  Poo is dirty!  No!  No!  No picking up poo!  Did you pull this out of the litter box?  (doesn't wait for a response)  No!

I suppose this isn't funny to the average person but sadly, to me, it was.

In an attempt to feign ignorance over this situation (I really wanted to avoid getting involved in anything poo related) I decided to vaccuum upstairs.  Super Husband recently purchased a new shop vac so I decided to try it out since sparks flew out of the wall when I last attempted to use the regular one.

So, I turned it on and started my task.  About one minute later I started to smell something.  Something undesireable.  Poo?  How could that be?  I then realized the Shop Vac blows air out the back (can be used as a blower....very handy I am sure).  The air is HOT because the motor is hot.  The hotter it became the nastier the stank. 

Apparently someone tested the shop vac out on the litter box.

Yes, it had poo in it.


That's what I get for attepting to avoid it.

All in a day of parenting two young boys.  Never let your guard down!

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