November 21, 2012



What else can I say?

I keep telling myself to get my ass in gear and update this blog but life has been INSANE.  I know, no excuse, right? 

So, I will say sorry for being an asshole blogger.  I promise to keep on top of it more.  Let's get over it and move on.

What's been keeping me busy?
  • Life
  • Crazy insane demanding career
  • Crazy insane demanding children
  • Need for sleep
That sums it up nicely!

Buddy started school in September which has resulting in a really very brutal transition period that we are FINALLY starting to get over.  You know, I really thought it would be easy.  Well, maybe not easy peasy but not *too* hard.  I mean, he already went to daycare full time and was used to the long days.  Apparently I forgot to factor in the fact that he no longer naps.  Holy Mother of #*%@!  I did not see this one coming.  Apparently no naps = a very, VERY moody child.  So we have been working on how to best handle this.  Not fun but let's just say "interesting".

Little Man is doing well at his new (local) daycare (yay)!  Of course....he gets to nap every day still.  Now I am dreading September 2013 when I will have TWO boy beasties coming home every day tired and famished! 

Work is out of control busy.  We are launching a huge roll-out for the new year so we are in crunch time now.  In October we had rolled out new functionality org-wide and that was a "fly-in" project.  Hoping that one gives me some brownie points come bonus time :)

On the side, I've been busy getting myself into Christmas preparedness mode.  We are hosting Christmas AND New Year's this year so I am trying to be super organized but let's face it....I will be scrambling December 24th on some level.

So after the hiatus and somewhat boring update I will share a recent story from our never-ending stock of material (this is the benefit of having a 2 and 4 year old....never a shortage of entertaining stories)!

A few weeks ago Super Husband decided we should have a family dinner out.  At our local East Side Mario's.  Perfect.  It was a Friday evening and none of us were interested in cooking so this made sense.  So off we go.  When we got there we had to wait a few minutes for a table.  Little Man was restless so I picked him up and was showing him some pictures on the wall.  One was of John Lennon.

Little Man:  Who is that?
Me:  His name is John Lennon
Little Man:  But who is he?
Me:  He was a famous singer
Little Man:  But where is he?
Me:  (distracted, tired and hungry) Well he isn't alive today
Little Man:  Why?
Me:  (increasingly distracted, tired and hungry)  Ummm...a bad man hurt him.
Little Man:  He's DEAD????
Me:  Ummmm...well....yes, he is. (oops)
Little Man:  What is his name again?
Me:  John Lennon
Little Man:  The Lemon Man?
Me:  No - John Len-non, not Lemon
Little Man:  Oh the night went on and Little Man would not let the story of "The Lemon Man" go.  He kept wanting to revisit the picture.  Again, desperate...I told him that we could see "The Lemon Man" at home because we happen to have a framed picture of The Beatles in our basement.  He was thrilled and insists on pulling it out and examining it over and over.

Fast forward to last week.

Super Husband took Little Man to Costco shopping.  As he was checking out, Super Husband was having a hard time getting his debit card to work and was very flustered.  All the while Little Man was talking and endlessly commentating to the cashier.   After a minute or two Little Manstarted talking about "The Lemon Man".  Super Husband, distracted, wasn't responding.  After several attempts to get a response Little Man says (very loudly):

"Daddy.....You know who I'm talking about.  The DEAD man in our basement".

Well after that, Super Husband said everyone stopped and stared at him.  You know, because he's harbouring a dead body in our basement and all. 

Let's just say he made a quick exit.

I am so annoyed I missed out on that gem!

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