Do you ever wake up and just know that you have an uphill battle ahead of you? That was me this morning. My alarm went off as always at 5:40am and I thought to myself: Holy shit. How many hours until I can crawl back in here?
Sad. But oh, so true.
You see, I woke up knowing that today was going to be a challenge at work. In fact, this whole week has been what one of my old coworkers liked to refer to as a "cluster fuck". Back to back meetings, presentations, confrontations and stressful situations. Not something I want to get out of bed for.
On top of that, I barely get out of the shower and realize I am already running late. I put on a new dress feeling confident that I at least looked good attire-wise. As a side note, it was not until I got home this evening that I realized I had gone the entire day with the price tag still dangling from my dress. Whatever. We got the guys up and bribed them to eat breakfast and get dressed. As we were finally getting shoes on to leave I realized that it is "Halloween" day at Buddy's day camp. Crap. I run to his room and convince him that the fireman jacket and hat he had in his closet is super awesome only to find Little Man in full meltdown mode. Screaming and lamenting the lack of Halloween at daycare. Ugh. I get his shoes on and he rips them off. He also throws off his sweater. Then yells at me because it is not on. The clock continues to move forward at an alarming pace. I am ready to combust. Literally.
At this point Super Husband hightailed it with Buddy in tow leaving me to deal with the wrath of Little Man.
We get outside...finally....
I open the car door and ask Little Man to get in. And...
He bolts.
Around the side of the house to the back. I chase him. In my new with tags dress. He stops and runs the opposite way. This continues about three full times around the house. I finally catch him, scoop him up and cart him to the car. Breathing heavy and breaking out in sweat. Not impressed.
I must have really looked a sight because by the time I got to Little Man's daycare, his teacher took one look at me and said, "uh oh...looks like mom needs a hug".
Yes, I did.
Now the good news is that I indeed made it through the day and when I arrived home my beautiful, spirited Little Man ran up to me and apologized for running away. Unprompted. Bliss.
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