I keep forgetting to rant about something that I find completely annoying.
Now, before I start my rant let me say I am sorry if you subscribe to this phenomenon. It does not make you a bad person. I just don't get it. And for some strange reason annoys me in ways it should not. I apologize but cannot help the way I feel.
That was my disclaimer.
With that out of the way, what the hell is the del with people finding it necessary to adorn their vehicles with stick people? You know the ones I'm referring to: the happy family including dogs, cats and, heck, even fish (yes, I've seen fish in fishbowls) included are displays of their hobbies of choice: hockey sticks, glasses of wine and tutus to name a few.
My first question is why? It's also all subsequent questions.
Do you really want all the creepy people who lay eyes on your vehicle to know your family demographics? Do you want to announce that you have 3 kids (1 boy and 2 girls), 2 dogs and spend most of your free time on the soccer pitch? I've even seen these with NAMES included (gasp). Congratulations. You've just given the pedophile driving behind you all the info they need to lure your child. I know it sounds terrible, but the reality is it's true. In a world where information is already waaaaay to easy to obtain (hello facebook) I am a firm believer you need to keep information close to you and that includes not advertising your family dynamics wherever you park your car.
Plus, it kind of makes me want to rear end you. Except I don't want to hurt your baby and poodle.
My rant is over now.
I totally totally agree with every word you said.