January 14, 2015


Holy Crap!  How did that happen?  I blinked and suddenly came to the realization that I didn't make a single post in this blog in all of 2014.  And here I am....in 2015.  The ultimate blog fail, apparently.

I will humbly forge ahead. 

So here we are, in January 2015 (Happy New Year)!  Let me bring everyone up to speed.

Buddy is 6 (going on 33) and in Grade 1.  He is currently obsessed with Minecraft, Stampycat and winning.  Yes, winning.  Part of me is appalled, however, the other part wants to give him a high five. 

Little Man is 5 and like a non-stop tornado.  He loves to draw, document his life in his notebook (future blogger)? and bike like a rockstar.

As for myself and Super Husband?  Not too much to report.  Lots of work, routine and house hunting these days.  Yup, that's correct, we are FINALLY (maybe) going to purchase our "forever home".  If we can find one that we can purchase AND still affort to eat afterwards.  Tall order.

Anyone familiar with the series of pictures posted on the internet about "Why my toddler is crying"?   Google it.  It's hilarious and every parent can identify.  It has pictures of random kids screaming and melting down.  Under each picture there is an explanation telling why they are so upset.  Things like:  "I told her that her sweater looks warm" or "I wouldn't let him play with the dog poo".  Well, I may be able to gather enough material single-handedly to create a site displaying reasons my SIX year old son is crying.  Last night I could have added some beauties like "Because his Tiddlywink landed in the incorrect point category" or "Because he recalls being a better soccer player last summer than today".

These meltdowns were happening while Super Husband cleaned the kitchen furiously.  Why, you ask?  Because he removed the blender lid and shoved a bamboo spoon in while it was turned on.  What was he making, you ask?  Blueberry smoothie, of course!  Our previously white kitchen ceiling (and blinds, backsplash and walls) now have a lovely blue hue.  Oh, also Super Husband's face.

The really shitty part?

The smoothie was undrinkable due to the bamboo shards distributed throughout.

I think we can all agree that wine would have been the better option.

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