Being a mom can be frustrating at times. There are days when I feel stressed and impatient and snap over things I shouldn't. When you are in the moment, you can easily fail to see the humor in a situation.
Super Daddy/Husband advised me that he was going to soccer after work. This is fine, but means that I do the night routine with the guys solo. Now, because I'm a Super DUPER Mommy/Wife this shouldn't be a problem, right? Right? Oy....
So I get Buddy and Little Man home. Buddy was in a foul mood and let everyone know it by screaming and attempting to launch himself out of the stroller. The.Entire.Way.Home. We finally got in the door and I started to make dinner while amusing hungry, irritable Beasties. So much fun!
After much negotiation, I get the three of us seated at the table to eat dinner. That's when my stomach started making really loud noises. A warning sign. I attempt to ignore. Finally, I have to give in. I dash to the bathroom and am about to do my business when I hear the dreaded, "I have to go poooooo". Oh God. Buddy has to poo. Panic sets in. We only have ONE BATHROOM! Effing downsizing! So like a dedicated mommy I give up my spot on the crapper for my firstborn. I'm still not sure he appreciates the magnitude of this sacrifice. I will remind him when he is naughty. Thankfully I was able to manage (read: pace the miniscule apartment) while Buddy sat on the potty and sang Itsy Bitsy Spider. Disaster narrowly averted.
Next up: Getting Little Man to bed.
I got Buddy situated with a video and I thought he was adequately amused for a few minutes. WRONG! I went into Little Man's room for possibly 5 minutes. When I come out I am greeted by Buddy with his ENTIRE HAND submerged in the tub of Vaseline. I just about had a stroke and started lecturing him when I noticed his hair looked wet. He hadn't bathed so why was it wet? WTF? Completely irritated at this point I ask, "What's in your hair, Buddy"? His response: "Water. I made it handsome for you".
My heart melted. My stress and frustration dissipated. I smiled at my beautiful boy and told him he was indeed handsome.
Sometimes you need to be reminded to appreciate the present.
Ahh that is adorable, the end bit not all the other stuff. It is like they know, youa re about to lose it, so they better do/say something totally cute.