A place to store the memorable quotes...because they are too priceless to be forgotten :)
From August 13th while waiting in the car for Super Husband/Daddy to run into the LCBO:
Buddy: Mommy, where did daddy go?
Me: Into the store to buy some beer
Buddy: Why does he want to buy a beard?
Me: No Buddy, not Beard - Beeeeerrrrr
Buddy: Oh. I want a Beard, too. I'm a big boy.
From August 17th when Super Husband/Daddy was attempting to lure Buddy into bed for the night:
Super Daddy: Buddy, it's time for bed
Buddy: No it's not. I'm not tired.
Super Daddy: Yes, Buddy, it's night time. Time to sleep.
Buddy: Nope. I'm going to get up, jump on the bed, run out of my room and then sit on the time out chair.
Super Daddy: (flustered) No you're not. The time out chair went to bed already.
From September 21st when Buddy was inquiring about the status of dinner:
Buddy: Mommy, what's for dinner?
Me: I'm making Pad Thai
Buddy: Oh. What is it?
Me: Noodles. With other stuff.
Buddy: I hope not vegetables.
Me: Well, yes, a little but they are good
Buddy: (Looking at the finished product) Oh no! Broccoli! I don't like that. I hate vegetables. Oh! Carrots! They're good. Carrots are NOT vegetables. Can I have more in my bowl?
From October 20th as Buddy used the newly hung coat hooks for the first time:
Buddy: Mommy, I'm using my new hook!
Me: Yes you are. Great job!
Buddy: You know what that is called?
Me: No, what?
Buddy: Hooking!
From Late November while playing in Buddy's room with Little Man and Super Daddy:
Super Daddy: Buddy, Did you just toot?
Buddy: No
Super Daddy: Are you sure?
Buddy: Nope. Little man just took his toot out of his bum and put it in mine.
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