August 29, 2011

It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say it

Buddy is going through a phase that I've heard many a parent lament about...the dreaded potty talk. Everything equates to poo. EVERYTHING! We cannot eat a meal without it being compared to poo. His brother is now known as poo poo's nauseating. Apparently no amount of time outs or threats are working to combat this poo phenomenon and it's making Super Husband and I crazy.

Anyway, yesterday we went to a birthday party and all was well. The day was finally drawing to a close and we were driving along the highway to get home. Both kidlets were happily chattering in the back. Little Man suddenly starts yelling, "Fuck, Fuck"! As in perfectly enunciated....clear as day. Super Husband just about loses control of the car when I turn around and realize that Little Man is pointing to the 18 wheeler beside us. Thank GOD....he means TRUCK! So the remaining ride home goes something like this:

Me: It's TRuck...T...T...T...R-U-C-K. Can you say TRRRUUUCK?
Little Man: Fuck
Buddy: Poo Poo Head!
Me: Try Again. TRRRRRUCK.
Little Man: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Me: T. Say T! T-T-T-T....
Buddy: Poo...Poo....Poo Bum!

Seriously. If the ride was being recorded I'm sure it would secure us as a top contender for parents of the year.

And let's face it. It's useless to give Buddy crap for talking poo when his brother is dropping the F-Bomb left, right and center.

Oh well. Today is a brand new day, right?


  1. Ha! This reminds me of something I read in "Playful Parenting" last week, called "The Poopyhead Game" - just give them some other "forbidden" word to say:

    "When they come out with bad words, say something like "You can say that all you want, but if you say Bobbledyboo you're gonna big in BIG trouble!" then chase them and pretend they're in trouble as they repeat the word (be silly enough that they know you're playing). They have such fun with this game they become less obsessed with the real "bad" words. This game lets kids experiment with power - the power of words and the power to break rules. Instead of having them experiment on other children, let them try out rule-breaking on you in a controlled environment. This helps you step out of a power struggle and into play."

  2. Sage Advice, Amy! I think it's worth a try :)

    I'll have to let you know how it goes. I have to think of a witty BAD word now!

  3. I have a friend whose son is the same age as Little Man...and she complained of the same thing on Facebook this month!

  4. My rule with potty words is they are completely the BATHROOM. If they want to say bathroom words I ask them to go to the bathroom, without an audience they lose interest in it pretty quickly.

    worth a try?

  5. Absolutely! We actually implemented this rule a couple of weeks ago and it is working....mostly :) Poop talk is a hard habit to break, apparently!
