Well now I know.
Yes, I may be a vegetarian and would fight for animal rights any day....but I am about ready to strangle the raccons who live in the neighbour's tree.
Let me back up.
Super Husband and I decided to splurge on an awesome stroller. We got the BOB Revolution Duallie off of kijiji (barely used) for $480 which, believe it or not is a great deal as we would have paid more like $700+ new. Anyway, we love, love, love this stroller and can justify the price tag because it is used each and every day as a means of transport to and from daycare. Weekends it is used to go on trails, Wonderland, malls....you name it. Can you tell we are smitten with this thing?
Anyway, we are very protective of said stroller. Every night we fold it lovingly and put it in the trunk of the car to protect it. One day last week it was raining. I didn't fold and put in the car as usual because when I went to do so it had puddles of rain on it. I didn't want it to go in the trunk soaked so I dragged it up to the porch and half folded it there where it was protected.
The next morning I got up and checked to make sure BOB was still there. Thank goodness nobody stole him!(yes, my stroller is a him).
Well we get ready and Super Husband goes to load the kidlets in the stroller and he says, "Hey....where did that hole come from"? This is where I start to get super frantic. "What hole"? I ask....desperate for his contact lenses to be failing him. Then I saw it: A tear in the fabric by the kids' feet:

I couldn't understand it. Where had this hole come from? Did aliens decend upon BOB overnight? Was someone envoius of BOB and lashed out? I had no logical explanation.
That is, until I got to daycare and went to use the mesh pocket on the back of the seat. I was greeted by ripped mesh. A big old hole.....leading to what? A Ziploc bag containing only crumbs of what used to be Goldfish crackers.
The light bulb went off.
Fucking Raccoons.
Well a-hole raccoon. I hope the 2 goldfish crackers that you got were super tasty. And filling. There will be no more in your future.
And that is why you don't leave food....even morsels in your stupidly expensive stroller.
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